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Share Your Stories

We would love to hear and share other teacher stories. It doesn't matter the grade, the region, the country, or the topic. If it happened at your school, if you think the craziness of working with students of any age is worth sharing, please send your stories to us. 

Seriously? They Did What? Podcast

Sit Back and Enjoy



Get to Know Us

We have worked together for almost 20 years. In this time, we have developed a friendship strong enough that our administration separated us on campus as far as physically possible.


(We maintain that it is because we have too many good ideas that we suggest when things are going wrong.) They say it is department related.


We built a 9th-grade academy together that saw amazing outcomes. We have collaborated to integrate our curriculums and enhance student knowledge. We coached the Scholastic Bowl team together for years.


My kids are her nephews, her kids are my nieces. 

People say work is not a family. They are right, it is not, but sometimes, if you are lucky, it gives you a sister that you never had. 

We Have a Little Fun Planned

Get ready folks, we are bring you "Fun Facts Friday". We are developing mini videos and audio bytes including some of the strange and interesting things that you may or may not know about in the world of education. The possibilities are endless. Check back here for the first Fun Fact brought to you by Heather on February 2, 2024.

After a few weeks of Fun Fact Fridays, Amy has realized that keeping up with them on a weekly basis is adding too much to her plate at the moment, so we will be scaling back to every other week since Amy and Heather do both still have "real" jobs.

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